Sealcoating FAQs


For those who did not make it to the Town Hall on September 14th  here is the Saturday Handout PDF

Please note, if you would like to have matching sealcoating applied to your driveway at any time, you may contact Creative Paving directly: Beau Gilles – – 213-259-7636


Videos of paving & sealcoating on Apache:


Q: How much will it cool off the streets?
Studies have shown that GAF Durashield reduced surface temperature by 10°F – 18°F during the daytime on sunny days, compared to black asphalt. (See links at the bottom of the page.)

Q: What is it made out of?
GAF DuraShield Solar Gray is a two component waterborne epoxy-modified acrylic coating.
Learn More (GAF Durashield Solar Gray Data Sheet)

Q: Is it a lot more expensive than traditional sealcoating?
A: It is a higher initial cost but it’s comparable over a 20 year period as it does not have to be resealed as often (7-10 years instead of 3-5) and it also extends the life of the asphalt road.

Q: We just paved, why did we sealcoat so soon?
Traditional asphalt emulsion sealcoating is applied months after paving to allow the oils in asphalt paving to dry out, which also means striping has to be done twice – once after paving and again after sealcoating.

Acrylic sealcoating is a different technology – it’s ideally applied in the first 1-60 days after paving to seal in the oils. This helps extend the life of the asphalt road. It also means we can stripe the road just once and won’t have to stripe again for a long time!

Additionally, Creative Paving will be using GAF Street-Bond® 150AL for striping which lasts up to 5 years (vs. 2-3 years for traditional striping paint) further reducing inconvenience for residents. Learn More (GAF Street-Bond 150AL Data Sheet)

Q: Does GAF DuraShield or GAF Street-Bond have unpleasant or dangerous fumes while it’s being applied?
No, they are both low odor and have low (VOC) volatile organic content/compounds.

Q: Is it slippery?
A: No, it is not slippery for walking or driving. DuraShield has excellent friction properties, and meets ASTM E-303 for slip resistance.

Q: If the coating is lighter and more reflective, will it create glare or show dirt?
A: No, GAF DuraShield Solar Gray Pavement Coating has a Solar Reflectance of 34% (SR = .34). Its color is a medium gray and include special pigments that allow it to achieve a high reflectance, while keeping the color dark enough to better hide dirt and tire pick-up and reduce glare.

Q: Does the coating become less reflective over time?
A: Reflectance stabilizes after 18 months at SR=.23 (a drop from 0.33). Competitive products drop from >.3 to <.15 within 12 months. Cars moving and turning may cause some wear but the majority of the road will maintain its reflectance. As long as the product is there you will get some benefit.

Q: What color is the coating?
A: DuraShield SR Gray Part A – SRI 0.37:

It’s designed to be about as dark as aged asphalt, but it has a slight bluish tint. The image to the left is a sample piece resting on aged asphalt, the image to the right is the same sample resting on concrete. You can see it’s not white or purple, but it can appear bluish gray as shown, in direct sunlight. It will look different in the shade or at different times of day.

Here is a photo of a recently coated street in Phoenix, AZ:

Here is an aerial photograph of a freshly coated hospital parking lot:

Q: Were there other colors to choose from?
Yes, but they would cost about twice as much! GAF’s other colors come in a 5 gallon can, and Creative Paving would have to use smaller specialized equipment/vehicles. GAF DuraShield SR Gray Part A comes in a 55 gallon drum, and they can use large equipment / vehicles to spray it, so it’s most economical to use the default color.

Q: How can I learn more about cool roads?
Check out all the links below!

Smart Surfaces Coalition: Cool Roadways Partnership (CRP)

Creative Paving Solutions

GAF – Community – Cooling Urban Heat Islands

Study Links:

Quality living for all neighbors