The intent of this website is to provide information to all TOT residents while complementing the following communication channels available to residents.
TOT Management
See Management for information on how to request service, report a problem or violation, or provide feedback.
TOT Phone Blast/Alert System
All residents are encouraged to sign up for the mass communication phone program to keep apprised of important alerts on emergencies, utility outages, and other time-sensitive info. To register, please contact the Onsite Manager (see Management).
Email Blasts (for members only)
At > My Account, members may provide an email address for receiving non-emergency information, such as Board meeting agendas and newsletters. (for members only)
At, owners may view and download association documents, newsletters, meeting minutes, access a Service Request form, and more. Owners are required to share applicable documents with their tenants. Members may obtain a registration code (if not currently registered) or reset login credentials by contacting Lordon Management (see Management) during business hours (see also Service Requests.)
Our newsletter is mailed monthly to owners (with the account statement) and a digital copy is available to owners at (Community > Documents > Newsletters).
Meetings & Committees
Members/owners may attend HOA Board meetings and serve on committees. All residents may attend Town Halls and other special meetings (typically announced in Newsletters, available on the right), serve on some committees, and attend some committee meetings. Committee membership is at the Board’s direction (see Committees).
Communicating with the HOA Board of Directors
Our Board reviews and acts upon all items as a body, and individual Board members cannot address issues for a homeowner. All Board correspondence and communications should be relayed through Lordon Management (see Management for contact info). They present this information to the Board in our monthly Board package or address the matter, if it is an emergency or within their authority as granted by the Board. Please do not email, mail, or drop off communication to an individual Board member, instead send it to Lordon Management.
Important Non-TOT Information Sources
No-Burn (air quality) Alerts
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD )issues 24-hour no-burn alerts to avoid use of gas-powered equipment, fireplaces, firepits, and woodstoves when emissions and weather conditions cause unhealthy air quality levels. You can sign up for alerts on the AQMD website.