- Board Book requests – see Google Doc
- Newsletters – content due in 15th, to Lordon by 20th, see Standard Calendar info
- Website
- Welcome letter draft
- Update registration form?
- Online registration/update?
- Promote with paper flyer that takes step away from flyers towards registration, database, directory, etc.
- Link to general session notes in Google docs
- Water district report saying our water is great. Where do we get our water?
- Attending a Board meeting, how to sign in, be heard.
- How to request a change to rules
- Infrastructure committee info, e.g. map of sewer pipes
- COMPLETED – Clubhouse Calendar on website
- Surveys
- TOT Skills & Services (potential)
- Do you know of any TOT residents who provide skills and services that you can recommend to other TOT residents? If so, please provide their names and contact info here. We will contact them to ask permission to post to our website.
- Are there skills or services you provide that other TOT residents might need? If you’d like information about this service to be provided for TOT residents on this website, please describe your skills or services, and provide your name and contact information.
- If you have skills or services to provide, would you do this for free, or barter, or charge?
- Are there skills or services you need that other TOT residents might provide you (e.g. handyman, notary public, dog walking, cleaning services, plant and tree knowledge)? If so, please describe below.
- Are there any topics you would like to know about from TOT or non-TOT experts or speakers?
- Resources
Quality living for all neighbors